Zucchini, sweet potato and corn fritters
25 minutes
Preparation time
15 minutes
Cooking time
6 serves


Zucchini, sweet potato and corn fritters

140 g (1 cup) coarsely grated zucchini
120 g (1 cup) coarsely grated
sweet potato/kūmara
140 g (1 cup) fresh, frozen or tinned
sweetcorn kernels
60 g (½ cup) coarsely grated carrots
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
1 cup soft herbs, chopped eg. dill,
parsley and mint
75 g (½ cup) plain flour
75 g (½ cup) self-raising flour
60 g (¼ cup) crumbled feta
25 g (¼ cup) finely grated parmesan
Salt flakes and pepper, to taste
2 eggs
75 g butter, melted
2 tbsp milk
Grapeseed oil, for frying

To serve

Smoked salmon
Crème fraiche
Snow pea tendrils
Lemon wedges

Miele accessories


Zucchini, sweet potato and corn fritters

  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until well combined.
  2. Heat some grapeseed oil on a tepan yaki plate or frying pan on medium heat, induction setting 6.
  3. Spoon heaped tablespoons of the mixture onto the pan and cook for 5 minutes, or until small bubbles appear on the surface. Flip and cook the other side until golden.
  4. Repeat until all the mixture has been used.

To serve

  1.  Serve the fritters with smoked salmon, crème fraiche, snow pea tendrils and lemon wedges.

Hints and tips

  • Cook heaped teaspoons of the mixture to make canape-sized fritters.
  • This recipe is a great way to utilise leftover vegetables, such as fennel, pumpkin or onion.
  • Make your own crème fraiche by steaming 600 ml cream and 2 tbsp buttercream in a covered unperforated steam container at 40°C for 5 hours. Set in the fridge before using.


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  • Free Discovery Product Demonstrations

    Miele Experience

    Thursday 08th September 2016

    At 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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