Easter eggs
40 minutes
Preparation Time
2-4 minutes
Cooking Time
3 Easter Eggs


Easter eggs

700 g good quality milk couverture chocolate

30 g Dutch processed cocoa powder

Miele accessories


Easter eggs

  1. Use a cotton pad to polish each cavity of the chocolate mould.
  2. Place the milk chocolate into a saucepan on medium heat, induction setting 4. Stir continuously until you have 50% solids and 50% liquid.
  3. Transfer the chocolate into a bowl and stir vigorously until the solids have completely melted.
  4. Ladle the tempered chocolate into the mould cavities and tap the mould on the workbench to dislodge any air bubbles.
  5. Turn the mould upside down over a sheet of baking paper and tap to remove the excess chocolate.
  6. While upside down, scrape the surface clean with the metal scraper or palette knife.
  7. Place the mould, chocolate side down, onto another sheet of baking paper and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Place into the fridge for 20 minutes before unmoulding.


  1. Pre-heat the oven on Fan Plus at 50°C before placing a baking tray in for a few minutes.
  2. Gently melt the edges of the chocolate eggs on the warm tray and join them together.


  1. Use a clean firm brush to scratch the surface of the eggs.
  2. Brush the eggs with cocoa powder.

Hints and tips

  • This recipe was created using a polycarbonate chocolate Easter egg mould measuring 85 mm x 60 mm.
  • The excess chocolate can be used again, simply allow to set, roughly chop into smaller pieces, and retemper.


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1 Session selected

  • Free Discovery Product Demonstrations

    Miele Experience

    Thursday 08th September 2016

    At 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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