White chocolate with lemon curd, balsamic raspberries and crystalised dark chocolate
45 minutes
Preparation Time
45 minutes
Cooking Time
8 serves


White chocolate cream

300 ml cream
225 g white chocolate, chopped small

Lemon curd

2 eggs
2 egg yolks
170 g sugar
170 ml lemon juice
150 g butter, melted, cooled

Balsamic raspberries

500 g raspberries, fresh or frozen
75 g caster sugar
15 ml lemon juice
15 ml aged balsamic vinegar

Crystalised chocolate

75 ml water
100 g caster sugar
100 g chocolate, 70%, chopped small


White chocolate cream

  1. Bring 100 ml of the cream to the boil on high heat, induction setting 8 then remove from the heat. Add the white chocolate and allow to stand for 2 minutes, then stir until smooth and place into a large bowl. Cool to room temperature.
  2. Place 200 ml of cream in a bowl and whip to very soft peaks.
  3. Using a large metal spoon add a small amount of soft whipped cream to thechocolate mix and stir in gently until combined.
  4. Add the rest of the soft cream to the chocolate mix and begin to gently fold together until it starts to lightly thicken. It is best to under whip than over whip. Place into a container and chill until needed.

Lemon curd

  1. Mix the eggs, egg yolks and sugar in a glass bowl then add the lemon juice and melted butter and whisk until combined.
  2. Cover with cling wrap and place into the steam oven on a wire rack. Steam at 75°C for 45 minutes.
  3. Remove from the steam oven and whisk again. Place into a container and chill until needed.

Balsamic raspberries

  1. Place the raspberries, sugar and lemon juice into a small saucepan.
  2. Heat on medium heat, induction setting 6 for 10 minutes covered with a lid. Fresh raspberries will take half this time.
  3. Remove from heat and add the balsamic vinegar. Keep chilled until required.

Crystalised chocolate

  1. Place the water in a medium saucepan then add the sugar on top.
  2. Heat on medium-high heat, induction setting 7 for 4 minutes until the sugar is dissolved. Turn up to induction setting 9 and bring to 135°C, or until the edges of the sugar syrup on the side of the saucepan starts to turn light amber. Remove from the heat.
  3. Add the chocolate into the saucepan and using a wooden spoon start mixing. Keep mixing vigorously until it starts to crystalise.
  4. Pour onto a tray to cool. Keep in an airtight container until required.

To serve

  1. Spoon some lemon curd onto a plate dragging it across from one side to the other.
  2. Scoop a large spoon of white chocolate cream into the middle of the plate.
  3. Scatter the raspberries around and sprinkle the crystalised chocolate over the top.

Hints and tips

  • This can also be served layered in a glass and stored in the fridge until required, adding the crystalised chocolate just before serving.


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