Osterzopf (German Easter bread)
20 minutes plus proving time
Preparation time
35 minutes
Cooking time


500 g Baker’s flour (high protein flour)

2 tsp (7 g) dried yeast

1 tsp salt flakes

2 tbsp caster sugar

250 ml (1 cup) warm milk (approximately 37°C)

75 g butter, melted

2 eggs

1 lemon, zested

80 g raisins or sultanas, optional

1 tbsp milk, extra

30 g raw sugar, optional


  1. Sift the flour, yeast, salt and sugar into the bowl of a freestanding mixer with the dough hook attachment.
  2. Roughly combine the warm milk and butter into the flour mixture.
  3. Mix on low speed for 3 minutes or until well combined. Add one egg and lemon zest. Mix on medium speed for 8 minutes or until dough is smooth.
  4. Fold through the raisins or sultanas, if using.
  5. Place the dough into the oven on Prove yeast dough for 45 minutes or until the dough has doubled in sized.
  6. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured bench. Divide the dough into 3 even pieces and roll each piece into a 45 cm log. Plait the bread, pinch ends together and tuck the ends under the bread.
  7. Lightly dust a baking tray and place the braid onto the tray.
  8. Place into the oven and prove for an additional 30 minutes or until almost doubled in sized.
  9. Change the oven function to Moisture Plus with Fan Plus at 180°C with one manual burst of steam.
  10. Mix the remaining egg with the extra milk with a pinch of salt and sugar. Brush the egg wash gently over the dough and sprinkle with the raw sugar, if using.
  11. Place the bread into the oven on shelf level 2 and release the burst of steam immediately. Bake for 15 minutes and then reduce the oven temperature to 160°C and bake for an additional 20 minutes, or until cooked through.

Hints and tips

  • This recipe can be baked using the Automatic Programme: Bread / sweet bread.

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  • Free Discovery Product Demonstrations

    Miele Experience

    Thursday 08th September 2016

    At 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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